Our services
Younity: specialists, together, for you.
Employment Law
Public Sector
Business Immigration
Competence centres
Public Sector
Civil, commercial and social mediation
Mediation is a voluntary process of conflict resolution, but can also be ordered by a magistrate. In case of mediation, the conflicting persons are made to find a solution for their difficulties themselves, helped by a third party which is neutral, independent and impartial, i.e. the mediator. We can offer you our expertise in this area considering some of our partners have successfully followed this specific training.
Collectives labour relations
We assist our clients with the application of all the specific rules regarding the workers’ representative bodies (negotiation committee, co-ordination committee, ….). Our focus area also covers the technical expertise and participation to the negotiation or co ordination committee as an expert on the subject-matter. Except for giving advice, this expertise can also include drawing up regulations. We also help our clients with collective labour conflicts as well as applying the special rules regarding the protection of union representatives in the public sector.
The laws of 10 May 2007 have strengthened anti-discrimination measures, including discrimination at work in both labour law and elements of social security law. We assist our clients with the implementation of practices and scales in accordance with the law. We help them draw up anti-discrimination procedures and handle potential complaints. If necessary, we represent them before the courts and tribunals.
Individual employment relations
We advise our clients in every aspect linked to the employment relationship established with a public authority whether this relationship is contractual or statutory. We can thus treat any question which might be raised between the moment of recruitment until the end of the career (selection/screening, recruitment, contractual recruitment, internship, tests, promotions, vacation, financial status, evaluations, disciplinary, mobility, etc.). This is the case for both contractual or statutory agents and both in case of a mere assistance as in case of a dispute.
Our knowledge regarding the rules applicable in the private sector as well as in the public sector allows us to understand the employer’s reality in a particularly creative way.
Privacy and data protection
We assist you in the implementation of adequate procedures with regard to the use of e-mail, Internet and social media at work. We advise you on the introduction of tools such as video surveillance or geolocalisation with respect to the staff’s privacy. If necessary, we intervene before the Privacy Commission and take all necessary legal steps regarding the treatment of personal data, particularly in case of a transfer abroad or in case a subcontractor is used.
Reorganisations, transfer, mobility
We have developed a very specific expertise in the field of hand-off operations of contractual and statutory staff following a reorganisation of services, the end of services or following a transfer of these services to other public authorities.
Social audit
We carry out complete audits of our clients’ documentation and HR practices: template agreements, work rules, internal procedures, reimbursement of expenses, compensation packages, etc. This check is not only focussed at contractual and statutory staff, but is also aimed at agents, public/government managers and public administrators.
Social security
We are competent to assist our clients –in a dispute or not – with the social security aspects such as occupational accidents and occupational illnesses, claims for damages from third parties having caused a disability to civil servants, the re-integration process, the pension for physical incapacity.
Well-being at work
In recent years, questions linked to well-being at work as well as to the psycho-social stress generated both at work and by the work, have become one of the major challenges of human resource management. To this end, we provide extensive expertise in order to assist you in dealing with these challenges. This may be in a preventive stage or in the context of a dispute or complaint.