Bernard CARIS
Spécialiste en Business ImmigrationLangues : NL/FR/ENG
Tel : +32 2 880 77 97
Fax : +32 2 880 77 81
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Bernard est titulaire d’une licence en droit de l’Université de Leuven (1993) et titulaire d’une licence complémentaire en droit fiscal de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles (1994).
Il est spécialisé en business immigration et droit administratif. Il assiste des entreprises belges et internationales afin d’obtenir les permis de travail/permis uniques/cartes bleues européennes (employés), les cartes professionnelles (indépendants), visa et permis de séjour, …, toujours en fonction de la situation globale (conséquences au niveau de taxation et de sécurité sociale, résidence de longue durée, nationalité, …).
Bernard a donné de nombreuses présentations sur le thème du business immigration lors de conférences organisées par IBA (International Bar Association), par AILA (American Immigration Lawyers Association), ainsi que par CILS (Center for International Legal Studies). Il a également écrit plusieurs articles sur le sujet. Depuis 2005, il est reconnu par “Who's Who Legal: Corporate Immigration” comme spécialiste en matière de business immigration.
Il est le membre belge du réseau ABIL (Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers), un réseau international (22 pays) d’avocats spécialisés en business immigration. Il est en outre membre (International Associate) de AILA GMS (Global Migration Section).
Les publications
Global Business Immigration Practice Guide
Chapitre sur la Belgique dans la publication ABIL (Alliance of Business Immigration Lawyers), (éditions 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015)
The Corporate Immigration Review
Chapitre sur la Belgique dans la publication, (éditions 2011 & 2012)
AILA’s Global Immigration Guide: A Country-by-Country Survey
Réponses aux FAQ pour la Belgique dans la publication, (édition 2005)
Les séminaires
4th AILA Global Migration Section European Conference : Global Mobility in an Age of Constant Insecurity: Technology, Strategies and Solutions. – panel Cybersecurity
AILA GMS/CILS, 5/3/2023
Current impact of Covid-19 on global migration
ILA GMS, 13-14/6/2022
Corporate migration post-BREXIT in the UK and across continental Europe
BCCG (British Chamber of Commerce in Germany), 6/7/2021
Webinar: Immigration and Brexit: an update
IBA, 26/4/2021
Webinar Covid-19 : La COVID-19 et l’impact sur les rémunérations et les avantages acquis des travailleurs / COVID-19 en de impact op de bezoldigingen en de verworven voordelen van de werknemers
Younity, 6/10/2020
Belgian business immigration: Covid-19 impact webinar
AILA GMS, 14/4/2020
Survival tips for small firms in a world of global immigration conglomerates, Opportunities and Challenges in the Future of Global Immigration Law Practice
AILA GMS/CILS, 6-9/2/2020
European Union migration in a global context: labour demand, international cooperation and nationalist pressures, 9th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 30/10 & 1/11/2019
Brexit: EU citizens in the United Kingdom and UK citizens in the European Union – Where we are today, Annual Global Immigration Forum
AILA GMS, 17-18/6/2019
Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Audit, Compliance in Global Immigration Practice Symposium
AILA GMS/CILS, 19-21/1/2019
A European Work Permit – Dream or Reality? Implementation of the EU Intra-Corporate Transfer Directive, Annual Global Immigration Forum
AILA GMS, 12/6/2018
CETA webinar
AILA GMS, 6/12/2017
Navigating the storms: ethical dilemmas in immigration law, 8th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 16-17/11/2017
Countdown to Departure – Getting There The Right Way Made Easy, Global Immigration Forum
AILA GMS, 21/6/2017
Belgian Immigration Webinar
Fakhoury Global Immigration, 28/6/2016
Global Immigration in a Changing World: Terrorism, Migration and Business Immigration, Annual Global Immigration Forum
AILA GMS, 21-22/6/2016
Can you bring the family?, 7th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 19-20/11/2015
Lunch with the Experts - Summary – Belgian Corporate Immigration System for Employees, Global Immigration Forum
AILA, 18/6/2014
Global Panel – Schengen Visas and Blue Cards, Athens Spring Conference
AILA Rome District Chapter, 13-14/3/2014
Current European immigration scene – applying the EU Blue Card: are we getting mobility of the highly skilled employee?, 6th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 21-22/11/2013
Pre-and post-merger immigration compliance - Belgian Business Immigration – Pre-and post-merger immigration compliance, Global Immigration Forum
AILA, 25-26/6/2013
Tewerkstelling van buitenlandse werknemers: heden en toekomst / Occupation d’employés étrangers: présent et futur
Seminaire M&D Seminars, thème Grensoverschrijdende tewerkstelling / Emploi transfrontalier, 28/11/2012
Employer compliance – the latest developments - Employer compliance – the latest developments in Belgium, 5th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 22-23/9/2011
Immigration Compliance, webinar
ABIL, 1/6/2011
Business visitors – the do’s and the don’ts and paper Business visitors under Belgian law, 4th Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 19-20/11/2009
L’embauche de travailleurs chinois: conditions et situation actuelle en Belgique, Chinese Students Job Day
UCL - Louvain-la-Neuve, 25/3/2009
Business visitors – do’s and don’ts - Business visitors under Belgian law, 3rd Biennial Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 15-16/11/2007
Intra Company Transfers: Establishing Overseas Offices - Belgian business immigration - An overview with special focus on the attitude towards new EU Member States, International Business Immigration Law Conference
CILS, 15-17/1/2007
Immigration to Europe - Business immigration in Belgium, Business Immigration and Cross-border Employment Conference
CILS, 12-15/11/2005
The new Europe - Belgium: work permits and the new Europe, Global Immigration Conference
IBA, 10-11/11/2005
Managers, executives and highly skilled workers, 2004 Global Immigration Summit
AILA, 30/9-2/10/2004
Highly skilled and persons of extraordinary achievement, Global Business Immigration Conference
IBA, 20-21/11/2003
The Geneva Convention in Europe: past and future, Annual Conference
IBA, 20-25/10/2002